XML Security

All Book Download | XML Security  | Use this book as both an XML primer and to get up to speed on XML-related security issues. Written by the experts at RSA Security, Inc., you’ll get inside tips on how to prevent denial of service attacks, and how to implement security measures to keep your XML programs protected. Get up to speed on XML and applied security technologies using this authoritative guide. Covering the fundamentals of XML structures and related security technologies--including XML signatures, XML encryption, and the XML key management specification--this resource contains both the conceptual information and the practical techniques you need to successfully work with this data-structuring language. This book spends more time introducing the reader to security concepts, and Chapters 2 and 3 (Security Primer and XML Primer) provide the reader with a good overview about all of the significant concepts involved. Chapter 6 provides a plethora of XML signature examples. As XML signatures are rich in their features and syntax, combined with the vast number of elements and permutations of those elements, it can be quite difficult for someone to understand how to properly use XML signatures. Chapter 6 provides 14 different scenarios and their proposed solutions. These scenarios range from adding a single signature to a basic XML document, to adding multiple types of signatures to various documents. For readers who need good hands-on examples, Chapter 6 is worth the price of the book alone.

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