Design and Development of Medical Electronic Instrumentation

All Book Download | Design and Development of Medical Electronic Instrumentation |  Design and Development of Medical Electronic Instrumentation fills a gap in the existing medical electronic devices literature by providing background and examples of how medical instrumentation is actually designed and tested. The book includes practical examples and projects, including working schematics, ranging in difficulty from simple biopotential amplifiers to computer-controlled defibrillators. 

Covering every stage of the development process, the book provides complete coverage of the practical aspects of amplifying, processing, simulating and evoking biopotentials. In addition, two chapters address the issue of safety in the development of electronic medical devices, and providing valuable insider advice. 

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Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions

All Book Download | Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions |  Surgical robotics is a rapidly evolving field. With roots in academic research, surgical robotic systems are now clinically used across a wide spectrum of surgical procedures. Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions provides a comprehensive view of the field both from the research and clinical perspectives. 

This volume takes a look at surgical robotics from four different perspectives, addressing vision, systems, engineering development and clinical applications of these technologies. The book also: -Discusses specific surgical applications of robotics that have already been deployed in operating rooms -Covers specific engineering breakthroughs that have occurred in surgical robotics -Details surgical robotic applications in specific disciplines of surgery including orthopedics, urology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, pediatric surgery and general surgery Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions is an ideal volume for researchers and engineers working in biomedical engineering.

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Twenty-Seventh Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemical

All Book Download | Twenty-Seventh Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and ChemicalIn Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals: The Twenty-Seventh Symposium, leading US and international researchers from academia, industry, and government exchange cutting-edge technical information and update current trends in the development and application of biotechnology for sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. This symposium emphasizes advances in biotechnology to produce high-volume, low-price products from renewable resources, while improving the environment. 

The major areas of interest include advanced feedstock production and processing, enzymatic and microbial biocatalysis, bioprocess research and development, opportunities in biorefineries, and commercialization of biobased products. International and domestic progress on producing liquid biofuels, especially ethanol and biodiesel, is highlighted, and related topics, including bioseparations and optimal integration of biochemical and thermochemical conversion technologies, are featured.

Forward-looking and authoritative, Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals: The Twenty-Seventh Symposium provides an illuminating overview of current research and development in the production of commodity fuels and chemicals from renewable biomass resources via biochemical and thermochemical routes.

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Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity

All Book Download | Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity | A biosensor is a detecting device that combines a transducer with a biologically sensitive and selective component. Biosensors can measure compounds present in the environment, chemical processes, food and human body at low cost if compared with traditional analytical techniques. This book covers a wide range of aspects and issues related to biosensor technology, bringing together researchers from 16 different countries. The book consists of 24 chapters written by 76 authors and divided in three sections: Biosensors Technology and Materials, Biosensors for Health and Biosensors for Environment and Biosecurity.
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Multimedia-based Instructional Design, 2nd Edition

All Book Download | Multimedia-based Instructional Design, 2nd Edition | Multimedia Based Instructional Design is a thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the best selling book that provided a complete guide to designing and developing interactive multimedia training. While most training companies develop their training programs in many different technological delivery media computer based, web based, and distance learning technologies this unique book demonstrates that the same instructional design process can be used for all media. Using just one process reduces cycle time for course development and also reduces costs.  

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Hacking del icio us

All Book Download | Hacking del icio us | hare the wealth¨ is a publicly viewable bookmarks manager that allows users to easily add favorite sites to a personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords (tags), and to share a collection not only between browsers and machines, but also with others  It really is delish! is an excellent tool for tracking Web popularity, hot topics (or memes), and can provide RSS feeds for any tag  Adventurous readers with some basic Web design and scripting or programming skills will sink their teeth into these tasty treats on tweaking, modifying, and hacking  Hacks include: geotagging bookmarks, mapping tags with Google Maps, building and watching tag clouds over time, and integrating bloglines and  Some additional unique projects are tagging using browser keywords, combining and blogs, programming with the API, and hacking Firefox and Safari.
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Professional ASP.NET MVC 2

All Book Download | Professional ASP.NET MVC 2  | ASP.NET MVC 2.0 is now available and shipping with Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4. A new update to Microsoft's Model-View-Controller technologies, MVC 2.0 enables developers to build dynamic, data-driven Web sites. This in-depth book shows you step-by-step how to use MVC 2.0. You'll learn both the theory behind MVC 2.0, as well as walk through practical tutorials, where you'll create a real-world application. Topics include transitioning from ASP.NET development, as well as an overview of related tools and technologies, including LINQ, jQuery, and REST. Shows developers and programmers how to use ASP.NET MVC 2.0, Microsoft's latest update to its Model-View-Controller technology for developing dynamic, data-driven Web sites Expert author trio includes a current member of the Microsoft ASP.NET team Uses a step-by-step approach to explain all major features and functionalities Explains theory as well as practical application, including how to transition from ASP.NET development, and related technologies such as LINQ, jQuery, and REST Take your development skills to another level with MVC 2.0 and "Professional ASP.NET MVC 2.0." Jr John Galloway has contributed to Professional ASP. Net MVC 2 as an author. Assistant Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Greenwich, Connecticut Pastor of Ogden Presbyterian Church in Spencerport, New York Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in York, Pennsylvania Pastor of Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pastor of Wayne Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania BA in history from Princeton University MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary Author of The Gospel According to Superman (Holman Press, 1973) and How to Stay Christian (Judson Press, 1983) Sermons broadcast on two stations in Philadelphia and KDKA.  
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Arts and Technology

All Book Download | Arts and Technology | This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Conference on Arts and Technology, ArtsIT 2009, which was held in September 2009 in Yi-Lan, Taiwan. The 33 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from about 50 submissions. These papers cover various topics such as New Media Technologies (tracking sensors, wearable computers, mixed reality), Software Art (Image processing or computer graphics techniques that create arts, including algorithmic art, mathematic art, advanced modeling and rendering), Animation Techniques (2D or 3D computer animations, AI-based animations), Multimedia (Integration of different media, such as virtual reality systems, audio, performing arts) as well as Interactive Methods (Vision-based tracking and recognition, interactive art).

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Digital Camera World UK Magazine: JULY 2010

All Book Download | Digital Camera World UK Magazine: JULY 2010 | Digital Camera is the ultimate magazine for today's photographer. Month in, month out, it brings you essential guides to photography technique and digital darkroom expertise. If you want to learn how to take control of your digital SLR, take better pictures and then perfect them in Photoshop, look no further. Digital Camera World is the complete resource for digital camera owners. Every month, we cover the best kit, providing head to head comparisons and the best buyers guide in the market. You'll also get in depth tutorials and of course our unrivalled beginners help.  

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Socialism and International Economic Order

All Book Download | Socialism and International Economic Order | THE CREATION OF AN efficient institutional framework for regulating international economic relations is one of the fundamental concerns of economists. Theorists and practitioners recognize that international trade has been one of the major sources of economic wellbeing; they know that no state can renounce such a wealthgenerating activity. Yet, the increase of obstacles to the interchange of goods and services between nations since 1914 has led to what is generally termed economic disintegraion. A great deal of literature undertakes to describe and analyze these various obstacles. However, little effort has been devoted to the investigation of the fundamental causes of economic disintegration causes that can only be explained by theories and philosophies that engender changes in the internal economic and political orders of nations. This study is an inquiry into these fundamental determinants of international economic cooperation. These determinants will be more easily understood if the primary characteristics of an international economic order are examined. Two such characteristics can be distinguished. The first concerns relationships among individuals residing in different areas of the world who deal with each other on the basis of private interests. Clearly, the problem of their economic intercourse on a worldwide level is essentially identical to that with which any restricted community is faced. This problem has been solved in the past by the establishment of private law which delineates certain minimum standards of behavior and is enforced by the community.

The second aspect of the problem is inherent in the existence of sovereign national states. For centuries, men have attempted to devise a system of international law that could subject states, as private law subjects individuals, to the rule of commonly accepted codes and to the judgments of an international arbitration agency in cases of disputes between national governments. All these systems have been frustrated by the fact that the creation of an international coercive force which would automatically enter into action when any state refused to comply with the provisions of international law has been regarded as an inadmissible interference with sovereignty. Even universal and compulsory recourse to a supranational court is usually rejected on the same grounds.

Intergovernmental relations therefore have a fundamentally anarchic character. Ultimately, of course, they, too, constitute human relationships, but with the difference that they are based not on a convened standard of right and wrong, but on power. It is a country's political and military strength, on the one hand, and the political and military strength of its opponents, on the other, that form both the basis and the limit of national aspirations. The last resort is war which, as Karl von Clausewitz said, is "nothing but the continuation of state policy with other
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